The parent company Bakul, has been in the business of building products distributions since 1975. Its director Amod Tirodkar, is a Software Engineer from University of Mumbai & has a Masters Degree in Business and Information Technology from University of Melbourne, Australia. With a strong passion for coding and a keen understanding of the business practices, Amod developed and implemented the first version of the ESTADO software in 2007. Over the years with changes in business practices and taxation, the software has undergone various stages of upgradation. With over 50,000 in-house entries, the software has undergone rigorous real world testing.
ESTADO has multiple modules, which are integrated seamlessly and cater to various business verticals. Reliability is sacrosanct, hence we recommend the core software to be kept untouched & additional modules to be customized, to suit the customer's specific requirement. With education & experience in both the business analytics side & the coding side, we are better suited to advise in implementation of the software.
Modules of Estado IES
The system is made with a modular design, which ensures additional functionality as required by the client